Selamat datang di blog Paulinus Pandiangan. Semoga kamu menemukan sesuatu yang berguna.   Click to listen highlighted text! Selamat datang di blog Paulinus Pandiangan. Semoga kamu menemukan sesuatu yang berguna.

What’s for 2024?

In the dawn of the new year, I reflect on what I’ve been through and what lies ahead. This year brought a remarkable loss to me personally, as my father passed away last September. To be frank, I am still struggling with this deep sadness within me at this very moment, but I try my best to find hope and a sense of purpose for the upcoming year.

Thinking Less for a More Peaceful Life

A few moments of reflection brought me to this realization: I should think less. Not only did I used to busy myself with internal chatter that, most of the time, added only noise to my thinking process, but it also caused a lot of inessential worries. Over-analyzing situations is paralyzing, and the burden of expecting too much from something can be overwhelming. And that led me to this new mantra: simplicity, present focus, and mindful living. These seem to be a good recipe for a peaceful life in the coming new year.

Becoming A Dad: Providing and Embracing Service

Now that my dad is gone, I understand the complexities of fatherhood. I’m officially becoming a dad for the family, not only for my little family. Taking care of them and my mom gives me a broader perspective, embracing this role to its fullest, appreciating every little thing, and making use of the small joys in life to create a sense of closeness. To behave as a wise man is no longer simply about shouldering responsibilities but cherishing the memories we shared. More to it, it’s also about embodying the values he instilled in us, treating them as precious as life itself. These legacies can empower us, helping us navigate through the slings and arrows of our daily lives.

Desires for a Meaningful Life and God’s Graces

Looking ahead, my aspirations for 2024 are rooted in a desire for a life imbued with meaning and enriched by God’s graces. Amidst the challenges, I yearn for moments of profound connection, a life filled with purpose, and an unwavering faith that carries me through both joy and sorrow.

As in Psalm 23:4 (NIV):

"Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."
Embracing the Paradigm of Service

In the pursuit of a peaceful and meaningful life, the paradigm of service beckons. Whether through small acts of kindness or more significant contributions, the goal is to be a positive force in the lives of others and in society at large. The idea is not grandeur, but a genuine and humble commitment to making a difference, no matter how small.

Contributing to Society: A Desire for Impact

In 2024, I aspire to contribute something meaningful to society. It might be a small act of kindness, a thoughtful gesture, or perhaps a work of art that resonates with others. The size of the contribution is not the focus; rather, it’s the intention to leave a positive imprint and be part of a collective effort to make the world a better place.

Best wishes,

Paulinus Pandiangan

Author: Paulinus Pandiangan

Saya seorang Katolik, anak ketiga dari 3 bersaudara, ayah dari tiga anak, orang Batak, saat ini bekerja di sebuah pabrik kelapa sawit di Kalimantan Tengah. Saya dilahirkan pada 8 Januari 1983. Capricorn.

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