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Blessed Michael McGivney

Father Michael McGivney

The above is a documentary on Father Michael McGivney, founder of Knights of Columbus, a Catholic organization of lay people in fraternity aimed at helping those in need.

What is most interesting to me is the last part of the video telling the story of Michael—a kid born with down syndrome who is named after Father Michael McGivney—who miraculously born normal after his parents prayed through the intercession of Father McGivney. He had been predicted by the doctor to be dead in his mother’s womb, that he wouldn’t be born alive. But through the miracle—which is then approved by Pope Francis as a requirement for Father Michael’s beatification—the boy Michael is born alive, safely. I have tears in my eyes as I watched this beautiful reality, showing again the most beautiful love of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

I hope you will be touched by the documentary to renew your faith on our merciful God, who is love and who loves, always.

And let me present to you another video about this blessed priest and how his initiative, Knights of Columbus, has impacted the global world, probably way beyond his imagination. What once set up at the basement of a small church, has now become global, beyond borders—and all is possible by His grace.

The Global Impact of Blessed Michael McGivney

Blessed Father Michael McGivney, pray for us. 🙏

Author: Paulinus Pandiangan

Saya seorang Katolik, anak ketiga dari 3 bersaudara, ayah dari tiga anak, orang Batak, saat ini bekerja di sebuah pabrik kelapa sawit di Kalimantan Tengah. Saya dilahirkan pada 8 Januari 1983. Capricorn.

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