Selamat datang di blog Paulinus Pandiangan. Semoga kamu menemukan sesuatu yang berguna.   Click to listen highlighted text! Selamat datang di blog Paulinus Pandiangan. Semoga kamu menemukan sesuatu yang berguna.


Minimalism, in short, is about living with the essentials. It is about the mindset of really asking deep and fundamental questions about the way we live. It is about going deep about choices we make every single day: from a simple purchase to the structure of our thinking.

What is minimalism and what causes minimalism a rise as a lifestyle?

The following short video could be a good pointer to that. Enjoy!

A Documentary About The Important Things


The following video would be a good start for those of you who want to consider minimalism as a way of life.

How to be a Minimalist

And another video on minimalism by Sadia from Pick Up Limes YouTube channel:

Beginner’s Guide to Minimalism

Author: Paulinus Pandiangan

Saya seorang Katolik, anak ketiga dari 3 bersaudara, ayah dari tiga anak, orang Batak, saat ini bekerja di sebuah pabrik kelapa sawit di Kalimantan Tengah. Saya dilahirkan pada 8 Januari 1983. Capricorn.

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