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Good or Bad, Who Knows?

As cited from a book titled 31 Days to Happiness by David Jeremiah, page 173 – 174:

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During World War II, a man in Sussex, England, sent some money to the Scripture Gift Mission. He enclosed a letter saying that he longed to give more, but the harvest on his farm had been very disappointing because of a lack of water. He was also fearful because German bombs were being dropped in the area, and his family and farm were at risk. He asked the workers of Scripture Gift Mission to pray that no bombs would fall on his land.

Mr. Ashley Baker wrote back from the mission and said that while he did not feel led to pray that exact prayer, he had prayed that God’s will for their lives would prevail.

Shortly after, a huge German missile crashed down on the farm. None of the man’s family or live-stock was harmed, but the bombshell went so far into the ground that it liberated a submerged stream. The stream yielded enough water to irrigate the man’s farm as well as neighboring farms. The next year, due to a bountiful harvest, the man was able to send a large offering to the mission.

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The falling bomb might seem as a bad thing initially, but what happens next is definitely not.

The labels our mind puts on things happening in our lives are not what the things themselves often reveal in the end.

The labels are not the things themselves. What matters is what something reveals to us in the end. The end is better than the beginning.

So, good things or bad things, who really knows?


Author: Paulinus Pandiangan

Saya seorang Katolik, anak ketiga dari 3 bersaudara, ayah dari tiga anak, orang Batak, saat ini bekerja di sebuah pabrik kelapa sawit di Kalimantan Tengah. Saya dilahirkan pada 8 Januari 1983. Capricorn.

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